

web - http://www.shak-shuka.com/
país / country - Holanda / The Netherlands
"Shak-shuka" es una palabra hebrea que significa mezclar o sacudir. "Shak-shuka" es una tienda que nos presenta precisamente una gran mezcla de estilos aportados por sus dueños de diferentes nacionalidades: ropa, accesorios, juguetes, decoración... Demuestran que lo eco no está reñido con el estilo, que los productos "eco-friendly" no tienen porqué ser aburridos o feos, o que los objetos estilosos no tienen que costar mucho dinero.
"Shak-shuka" comes from an Hebrew word that means to shake or mix-up. "Shak-shuka" is an online store that shows a great mix of styles contributed by its owners, all of them from different countries. They want to dispel the myth that green and style are incompatible. They prove us that eco-friendly goods don't have to be boring or unstylish, and that stylish don't have to cost the earth (literally and figuratively).

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