
funky little darlings

web - http://www.funkylittledarlings.co.uk/
país / country - Gran Bretaña / UK
Funky Little Darlings se creó en el año 2006 para producir murales infantiles pintados a mano. Pero pronto encontraron una empresa capaz de producir dichos murales en impresión digital con colores super vívidos, una estupenda textura y calidad. Creen que los niños deben estar inspirados y entretenidos con lo que les rodea, que les anime a descubrir los colores, superficies, espacios, texturas... que contribuyan a su desarrollo creativo. En Funky Little Darlings diseñan espacios inspiradores pero, sobre todo, divertidos.
Funky Little Darlings was established in 2006. They began their work producing hand painted children's murals, but suddenly they found an incredible printing company capable of producing digitally printed wallpaper murals with the super vivid colour, fine texture and quality that they demanded. They feel children should be entertained and inspired by their surroundings, to explore colours, surfaces, spaces and textures which encourage their creative development. This can be achieved with thoughtful and beautiful design. At Funky Little Darlings, they design spaces that are inspirational and above all, fun.

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