
kids of luxury

web - http://www.kidsofluxury.com/
país / country - Dinamarca / Denmark

Kids of Luxury ofrece ropa infantil de 0 a 12 años exclusiva y moderna a través de su tienda online. Encontrarás una gran variedad de ropa desde las marcas más clásicas hasta las últimas tendencias en moda infantil de la escena internacional. Su intención es cazar tendencias antes de que se hagan mayoritarias.
In short terms the concept of Kids of Luxury is to offer exclusive, fashionable and high-fashion baby- and childrenswear (age 0-12) through their online store. They strive to maintain a wide selection of clothes from the classic fashion houses and the exciting brands that are unfolding on the international as well as national fashion scene. They are always looking for new and exciting brands and discovering trends in child fashion before they go mainstream.

1 comentario:

  1. Acabamos de descubrir tu blog y ...nos encanta!!!! Enhorabuena!!!! Te seguimos!
